Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Saturday, May 22 - Wednesday, May 26

Site documentation for our studio piazzas is due on Monday, so I spent all day Saturday in studio working on two of the sections/elevations of our piazza. I didn’t get it all done, so Sunday I came in for a few hours to finish things up and then headed home to relax the rest of the day.  Monday morning we had a Jamie walk, and we went in the one church right by the Pantheon, I forget the name, but we saw a sculpture inside by Michelangelo and learned that the elephant obelisk out front of the church that we pass everyday was actually done by Bernini.

Later in studio we had our site documentation crits, which took all class. They were running out of time so we kind of got cut short, but they liked our site documentation. They wanted to see a Lanciani map of our site to show the relationship of Hadrian’s Temple to our existing piazza but that was about it.

For studio the next part of our project is to do a painting analysis for Wednesday.  We got started on some of it tonight, and we’ll finish it tomorrow night.

Tuesday we saw San Andrea della Valle on our Jamie walk. 

After that we looked at a couple palazzos, including Palazzo Farnese. Palazzo Farnese was begun by Sangallo for the Farnese family before they became popes. During it’s construction, a Farnese was elected Pope, so this palazzo became way more important. Sangallo was released by the Pope and Michelangelo was hired to finish the project.  He made a number of changes in completing the project, including the massive cornice. I really like this palazzo and thought it was one of the coolest things I’ve seen since I’ve been here.

Wednesday we presented our painting analysis to Jamie and Jodi along with our ideas of how our painting is going to inspire our proposed museum. The liked our ideas, and they really loved the subtractive model Dan and I did. They wanted us to get more inspiration from this subtractive model, so Dan and I went back into studio that night and made five detail models of the five main “sections” of our model. After that some people were watching Gladiator in studio so we stuck around and watched that with them.

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