Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Monday, May 31 - Thursday, June 3

This was a pretty average week. Not too much went on. We had our second studio crit on Thursday so most of our time was spent in studio working on that. We worked on design development Monday and Tuesday and had desk crits with Jamie Monday and Jodi Tuesday. The five mini models Dan and I made have become the main focal point of our museum, and are going to become piers that stretch throughout the entire building. Tuesday night we started our drawings for the crit on Thursday. I decided to tackle an exploded isometric of all five floors of our museum while the other drawings were split between Abby, Dan and John. It ended up being a lot more work than I thought, and after spending all night Tuesday and all day Wednesday on it I only finished one floor :/ We decided one floor was enough to get our idea across, and I can tackle the exploded iso for the final presentation. After we finished our drawings Wednesday night, Dan, Pat, Brandon and I went out to Abbey's for a celebratory round of Guiness.

Thursday we had our crit and overall Jamie and Jodi really like our project. They had a problem with our colonnade and just want us to change the shape of it, and they want us to further develop our facade, but they loved the piers which is the main idea of our museum so that was great news. Jamie complemented me on my drawing :) and he said we had good drawing conventions. I've been through these crits before and I can tell that they really liked our design. I'm excited to develop it more. After class about 10 of us went back to Abbey's to celebrate being done with classes for the next ten days and of course had some more Guiness.

The few things we did get to see this week though included Santa Maria del Popolo which was featured in Angels and Demons. In the movie a cardinal is found in the crypt below the Chigi Chapel which was designed by Raphael.

We also saw two paintings inside done by Michelangelo Caravaggio, the Conversion of St. Paul

and the Crucifixion of St. Peter.

We also went to the spanish steps which was actually pretty cool. 

We saw the church at the top of the steps, Trinita dei Monti. The church and the steps were actually funded by the French, but because of the close location to the Spanish Embassy they received the nickname spanish steps. The French obviously aren't too happy about that. Finally we saw Palazzo Barberini.

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