Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I woke up this morning and had my first breakfast in Rome. Marcus brought me two plates of food at 9 a.m. of cappuccino, two pastries, dipping sticks, and an orange. This is when I found out about blood oranges. I cut into the orange, saw that parts of it were red so I thought it was bad and i didn't eat it. Later I found out that it's just called a blood orange and it's completely fine to eat and it's really common to this area.

Anyway, we all met up at Piazza Navona at 10:30 a.m. to decide what we were gonna do today. There was an A.S. Roma soccer game we all wanted to go to so we decided to do that. Except the stadium was outside of Rome and we had no idea how to get there. We tried to figure out the buses bu they were really confusing, but we found a nice Italian family who gave us directions to the metro station to get to the stadium. Turns out we didn't understand them right and we walked all the way to the metro stop that we were supposed to get off at. So we just followed all the A.S. Roma jerseys and got on the bus they were all getting on which brought us right to the stadium. We didn't have tickets so we had to scalp them, but none of us really know Italian. We found a guy whoe said he had 8 tickets, and he was only selling them for 25 euros, so we decided to take the chance. Good thing we did, the tickets worked great, we got pretty good seats, and we got to watch the most amazing game of our lives.

We found our seats, which were filthy so everybody sits on newspapers, and waited for the game to start. Nick and I decided we were going to get a goal and the crowd's reaction on film so we tried really hard to get it. His camera died but I kept trying. Nobody scored in the first half, but the game was still really exciting. Cagliari was the first to score at about the 62nd minute, even though Roma was outplaying them by a lot. Once that happned, the fire was lit under Roma's asses and they stepped their game up. Totti scored about five minutes later. Not too long after that, Cagliari had a hand ball within the box and Totti got a penalty kick, which of course he scored on, and of course, I got it on film. After the game ended, everybody was still in the stands and sang victory songs for about half an hour; nobody checks out early like they do in America.

We managed to find a bus back to Rome thanks to some people we asked, and after that everybody came over to my tiny apartment to use my wifi to talk to their families since they didn't have wifi in their B&B's. On the way we stopped at a store and I bought my first bottle of limoncello.

Everybody stayed for a little over an hour and when they left I called Caitlyn. No more than a couple minutes later, Mike, Simi, Chirsti, Alex, Chris and Chris came rolling in so I went to hang out with them and get to meet those that I didn't know. We hung out for about an hour, I went back and talked to Caitlyn, and then went to bed. Mike was already passed out in bed. Tomorrow I'd get to move in to Navona :)

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